Monday, September 12, 2011

Our Duty

I've been saying some of the following for quite a while, but now it's time to start writing it. Some of it will be offensive. Good! It's time to start punching back at those who have beaten on us for so long.

Who is us? Us is all the regular people, who go to work everyday and ask for little or nothing. Those of us who don't lay on the welfare rolls for life. Those of us who don't have the belief that trees should have rights. Us were taught in school that communism is evil. Us pray at public events. Us say the pledge of allegiance. Us believe in the unrestricted freedom of speech and of religion.

Who has been beating on us? The Bolsheviks, yes I said it, who have taken over the Democratic Party and hijacked our nation! How have we gone from learning in civics that communism is evil - which it is - to learning now that it is a kind system? How is it that it is being implemented in our government?! These people are not progressives, liberals, or even plain old socialists. They are absolute Bolshevik communists!

"Are you nuts?" you say. Well, let's have a look. Communism is Godless and suppresses organized religion. Well, look at the news every single day for the last ten to fifteen years. That one is a no-brainer. Communism controls the economy and nationalizes most resources. Let's see now... Obamacare, GM takeover, Federal Reserve loans, regulation on business so thick that many cannot stay viable, draconian government agencies with almost unlimited power. Oh yes, let's not forget crippling payroll taxes, strong pro-union legislation and case law, tax breaks for shipping jobs overseas, NAFTA, and the list goes on. Oh yes, the auto rebate computer scandal, where the disclaimer on the website for dealers to redeem their ARRA rebates stated that "any computer which connects to this computer becomes the property of the United States Government and is subject to full search at any time." Every single thing I've just said is real. Every single thing I've just said is in the news. None of it is conspiracy theory.

How is it that we have gone from being on the brink of war with China to borrowing money from them!? I am not advocating war with China! I am advocating returning to the strong anti-communist stance that made this country a great place to come to. If you think communism is not as bad as the government and the schools told us X'ers it was, think again. Ask any Czech, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Cuban, Cambodian, Laotian, or Korean that has immigrated here. Some of them braved the mighty Pacific on rafts, or the Atlantic on inner tubes to get here! Why? Because communism is an evil system run by evil men! There is nothing peaceful or benevolent about it!

How does all of this tie into the title of this post? Here's how:

Every time I am in a group of people, the subject of politics comes up. The debates, or the economy, or the news, or whatever. About three minutes into the discussion, someone invariably says: "let's change the subject... this is making me depressed..." Everyone jumps to agree and go back to their beer and TV.

Let's get a few points cleared up:
That attitude is WHY we have the government we have. Communists do not shy away from debate, or action!
YOU HAVE A DUTY to vote as a citizen of this nation!
YOU HAVE A DUTY to make an informed vote.
YOU HAVE A DUTY to not shy away from debate and discussion. Get your head out of the sand!

Why is it that so many people have poured out their blood on the altar of freedom (to quote Lincoln) only for those who remain to stand idly while it is given away? Why is it that the most educated populous on the planet seem to be so ignorant? What is it going to take for America to awaken from it's deep slumber? Why do we constantly seek peace when war is at our doorstep? The war I'm referring to is the political and judicial war that is being raged daily against all we stand for and all that is right and good in this country by an enemy that neither slumbers nor sleeps. They never give up organizing. They never give up fundraising. They never give up debating. They never give up lobbying. They never give up litigating!

Interestingly, most conservatives I know either refuse to vote, or constantly avoid discussion of difficult issues. All we want is reality TV and beer. Get up! Stand up! Wake up!

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